2 nights ago I had the opportunity to listen to the Relief Society Broadcast of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Relief Society as an organization has always had the responsibility to organize the energies of the sisters in the wards and branches of Zion. Through Relief Society meetings, the ministry of visiting teachers, and their combined service, daughters of God are taught, watched over, and inspired in their responsibility in the Lord’s work and kingdom. I am grateful to be apart of this beautiful program as women work together to strengthen their families and the world in faith. I know that I am a daughter of God. I know that he loves me and is my friend. I know that his true church was restored on the earth again in these last days. We have a prophet called of God and he leads and teaches us. In the broadcast the Prophet taught us the importance of not judging others and having Charity. He states: I consider charity—or the “pure love of Christ”—to be the opposite of criticism and judging. In speaking of charity, I do not at this moment have in mind the relief of the suffering through the giving of our substance. That, of course, is necessary and proper. Tonight, however, I have in mind the charity that manifests itself when we are tolerant of others and lenient toward their actions; the kind of charity that forgives; the kind of charity that is patient.
Please watch more at http://www.lds.org/
6 years ago